The Blog at Treats for Chickens

WINTER EDITION: how to not hate going outside

WINTER EDITION: how to not hate going outside

It doesn’t need to be hard. And, I have always made it HARD. I usto think I would just run out to the coop, feed the ladies, flip the water, toss out some treats and be back in the confines of my cozy house in 5 minutes flat, or less which, I think is faster than most ambulances, isn’t it? But here’s the thing. It Never Worked out as I planned ….never 5 minutes. Why? For starters, I’d run out in clothes that were/are inappropriate for being out in the cold, wet, mud, rain [insert your weather situation here]. Because...

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Important End of Year Updates + Subscription Info

Important End of Year Updates + Subscription Info

Hi there. Dawn here.  There's a lot to cover so I’m going to do my best to keep it short and concise, but please know that I’m available with any questions that you may have. First up: END OF YEAR IMPORTANT DATES you’ll want to know. Above is a chart with the End of Year Updates that pertain to Subscriptions, Online Ordering, and a much-needed End of Year closure. You’ll also see the date when I throw open the doors, dust off the tables and get back at it again with newfound energy, and enthusiasm. (about that End of Year closure….if you’re interested...

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WHATS IN IT?  It's our best selling Chicken Crack with its signature mix of certified organic grains, cracked corn, sunflower seeds, dried mealworms and river shrimp. WHAT DOES IT DO? This treat will bring all the birds out in the yard orrr back in the coop when you're short on time. Tasty certified organic and non-gmo ingredients promote glossy plumage, encourage foraging and are free of toxins, pesticides and junk. HAVE QUESTIONS OR WANT ASSISTANCE with your order? send an email to orders @  or call us at 707-664-8124. Leave a message if we don't get to the call in time. We'll...

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Let's Meet Shall We?

Let's Meet Shall We?

For years I’ve wanted to meet up, in person, with my chicken people and the people-people I've met along this journey........ Years. If I had a brick and mortar store I would have in-person events and we could do cool stuff together. Explore, paddle board, hike, hang around the firepit in my yard orrrr an open range campfire. Certainly we'd talk chickens and life. And, experience life outside it's 9-5 busy-ness. Well, I’m doing a thing. Let’s meet. Let’s hang. I have partnered with Trova Trips. They are going to take care of destination logistics and the agenda. We just...

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